African Mathematical Union Commission for Research and Innovations (AMU-CRIMS)

AMU-CRIMS Objectives

The objectives of the AMU-CRIMS are:

  1. To enhance the discovery, the communication, the dissemination and applications of knowledge in Mathematical Sciences

AMU-CRIMS History and Background

The African Mathematical Union (AMU) was founded in July 1976 with the mission to coordinate and promote the high quality teaching, learning, research and outreach activities in all areas of mathematical sciences all over Africa with the following objectives:

  • To promote the development of mathematics research and education including their applications to the economic, social and cultural development of the continent;
  • To promote active cooperation among African mathematicians, and to favour closer relationships between all the scientists and technicians of the continent;
  • To promote scientific cooperation between Africa and the other continents in mathematical research and education;
  • To cooperate with any and all organisations pursing similar objectives.

But it was only later from 1986 that various commissions had been established to serve under AMU. 

One of these commissions is the Commission for Research and Innovations in Mathematical Sciences (AMU-CRIMS) created by the AMU Executive Committee elected in 2009 for integrating Afrika Matematika. 

The recent General assembly took place on 2nd July 2017 at the Sciences Faculty of Rabat and elected a new AMU Executive Committee with Prof. Nouzha El Yacoubi as the AMU President. Under the new Executive Committee leadership, new commissioners were nominated and appointed to serve in the various AMU commissions. For the AMU-CRIMS :

Period 2017-2021:

  1.  Mamadou Sangharé- Chairperson (Senegal, West Africa). E-mail :
  2. Bazanfaré Mahaman- Co-Chair (Niger, West Africa). E-mail :
  3. Khalli Ezzinbi, Cadi Ayyad - Secretary ( Morocco, North Africa). E-mail :
  4. Senelani Dorothy Hove-Mesekwa - member (Zimbabwe, Southern Africa). E-mail:
  5. Guy Degla – member (Benin, West Africa). E-mail :
  6. André Mialébama Bouesso- member (Congo, Central Africa). E-mail
  7. Sibusiso Moyo, Member, Southern Africa, E-mail :
  8. Ancille Ngendakumana- Member (Burundi, East Africa). E-mail :

AMU-CRIMS Conferences

 The AMU-CRIMS to achieve  the objectives:

  • Get the state of the art of research and innovation in Africa (e.g. discuss the SWOT (strenght, weakness, opportunities and treats) of research and innovations in Africa through a panafrican meeting). 
  • Identify priority area of research and innovation at regional and continental levels

Period Place Title Organizers
June 2018 Marrakech (Morocco) Differential equations and dynamical systems Pr. K. Ezzinbi
September 2018 Marrakech (Morocco) 2ème colloque des mathématiciens Maroccains à l'étranger Pr. Y. Elfrom
November 2018 Ouagadougou (Burkina-Faso) EDP et applications. Conférence en honneur au Pr. Hamidou Touré Pr. S. Ouaro
December 2018 Harare (Zimbabwe) TBA Pr. S. Dorothy
December 2019 Abidjan (Ivory Cost) TBA Pr. S. Touré
March 2019 Durban (South Africa) Mathematics and applications to drive research and innovation Pr. S. Moyo
March 2020 Brazzaville (Congo) Algebra, Geometry and applications Pr. G.R. Bossoto and Dr. A. Mialebama Bouesso
July 2020 Niger or Benin (TBC) Geometry, analysis and technologic applications Pr. M. Sangharé/Pr. M. Banzafaré/Pr. G. Degla
October 2020 Bujumbura (Burundi) TBA Dr. A. Ngendakuman

Above are Conferences organized during the period 2018-2021


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