About AMU


The African Mathematical Union (AMU)  is an African organization dedicated to the development of mathematics in Africa.

It was founded during the first Pan African Congress of Mathematicians, held in Rabat, Morocco in July 1976.

Its mission is to Coordinate and promote the quality of teaching, research and outreach activities in all areas of mathematical sciences throughout Africa. Advancing mathematical research and education includes efforts and contributions towards the economic, social and cultural development of the continent.

For the achievement of such mission the following actions have been undertaken:

In 1978, the AMU Executive Committee created the AMU Journal: Afrika Matematika, initially with the aim to make mathematical research originating within Africa more widely known.

Since 2011, Afrika Matematika has been published by Springer. The submission rate has been growing since that date and it has truly increased in the last couple of years. 

Since 2013, the improved status of the journal was evidenced by the fact that it has been listed by Scopus, and has been on the Master Journal List of the Web of Science Group,
Since 2018, Afrika Matematika is in the Emerging Sources Citation Index.
In January 2020: for the first time PACOM 2017 Proceedings have been published in a special issue of Afrika Matematika by Springer.

In 1986, four AMU Commissions were established:

  1. For Mathematics Education in Africa
  2. For Pan African Mathematics Olympiads
  3. For History of Mathematics in Africa
  4. For African Women in Mathematics

In 2009, the AMU Commission for Research and Innovation in Mathematical Sciences was added.

AMU trough its various commissions, is organizing various Mathematical activities: colloquia, symposia, workshops, African Mathematical Schools in diverse mathematics areas; Training schools for graduate students, Pan African Mathematics Olympiads (PAMO), training sessions for PAMO Team leaders (PAMOSTAR), training camps for students etc….Amoung the activities of the AMU commissions, we can quote: 

  • PAMO: Till now 27 editions of Pan African Mathematics Olympiad took place in various African countries. The last one “PAMO 2019” was hosted by South Africa, Morocco was the winner of the PAMO 2019 Gold Medal. PAMO 2020 planned to be hosted by Tunisia in March 2020, has been postponed due to the pandemic of COVID-19. 
  • PAMS : The AMU Commission on Mathematics Education (AMU-CMEA), has organized various activities since 1992, and since 2006, the AMU-CMEA has launched the Pan African Mathematical Space (PAMS) , the two first editions have been hosted by Tunisia in 2006 and 2008, and more later, the 3rd Pan African Mathematical space “PAMES 2019” has been hosted by the Republic of Angola, organized in collaboration with, and under the auspices of, the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation with theme: “Professional development of Mathematics Teachers in Africa”. 
  • Symposia on African women in Mathematics : since 2008, AMU through its commission AMU-CAWM, is organizing regularly such symposia :in 2008 in Maputo (Mozambique), in 2012 in Ouaga (Burkina Faso), in 2013 in Cape Town (South Africa, in 2015, in Nairobi (Kenya), in 2017, in Rabat (Morocco), in 2018, in Palapaye (Botswana). 
  • AMS : African Mathematical Schools, are organized regularly, since 2010, in various African countries, par the African mathematicians, under the leadership of AMU and CIMPA (International Centre for Pure and Applied Mathematics). The AMS selected to be organized in 2020 have been postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

With Mission

  • Coordinating and promoting the quality of teaching, research and outreach activities in all areas of mathematical sciences throughout Africa.
  • Advancing mathematical research and education, including efforts and contributions towards the economy, social and cultural development of the continent.


  • Collaborating with other scientific organizations inside and outside Africa pursuing similar goals.
  • Developing fruitful and impactful collaboration with business and industry world across African continent and beyond.
  • Addressing challenges in Science, Technology, Innovation (STI) in Africa.

AMU Executives

AMU Executive Committee Members

Prof. Basile Guy Richard BOSSOTO

AMU President

Congo Brazzaville

Prof. Diaraf SECK

General Secretary


Prof. Regis Freguin BABINDAMANA

AMU Treasurer

Congo Brazzaville

Prof. Nouzha El Yacoubi

Honorary President



Vice-president Central Africa


Vice-president Eastern Africa


Vice-president Northern Africa


Vice-president Southern Africa

South Africa

Vice-president Western Africa


Other Members

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