
AMU-CAWM Actions


  1. Organize research workshops and Conferences for Women in Mathematics by regions in 2018.
  2. Monitor and follow up on other African scientific gathering in order to plan side events on Mathematics.
  3. Organize mathematics competitions and problem-solving workshops for female undergraduate and graduate students.
  4. Print newsletters showcasing the programs of the Commission as well as some success stories.
  5. Help women graduates to acquire employment in African universities, schools, industry or government agencies.
  6. Design an effective mentoring system for girls and women in mathematics.
  7. Support female researchers to attend conferences and workshops and related research and training programs.
  8. Create regional mailing lists for all female mathematicians.
  9. Create programmes to identify support and barriers per region that steer young women towards or away from mathematics during their education.
  10. Conduct motivational talks to motivate young girls in schools in regions quarterly.
  11. Set and support mathematics games competition days to be conducted in regions.

     History of actions:

         - Year 2021:

                - AMU-CAWM Satellite conference on African women in Mathematics, to be held in the host country of PACOM 2021

                - Celebrate AFRICA MISS MATHEMAICS 2021
                - AMU-CAWM Global report on the period 2017-2021 

          - Year 2020 (Central Africa):

                - AMU-CAWM workshop in an identified country in central Africa to be identified and announced with dates.

                - Other activities could be planned and announced.

                - Other activities could be planned: in particular a camp for African Girls in an identified country.

                - Celebrate and /or Initiate Central Africa Miss Mathematics 

          - Year 2019 (West Africa and North Africa): 

                - Hold a two-day workshop in collaboration with The Nigerian Women in Mathematics Association under the auspices of the Nigerian.

                 Mathematical Society (Date to be announced. It would be great to celebrate Nigeria Miss Mathematics!).

                - Other activities could be planned: in particular a camp for African Girls in an identified country.

                - Participation of the AMU-CAWM to Miss Mathematics in Ivory Coast.

                - Celebration of the International Day of Mathematics (IDM) by AMU-CAWM in an identified African country (the project of the IDM

                 the should be approved by UNESCO at the international level).

                - Celebrate and /or Initiate North Africa Miss Mathematics in an identified country of North Africa.

         - Year 2018 (Southern Africa and East Africa):

                - Hold a two-day workshop just before SAMSA 2018 conference in Botswana, Southern Africa (November 2018).

                - Contribute in the AWMA workshop organized by the Ethiopian Association of Women in Mathematics in October 2018.

                - Constitute a mailing list to reach all female mathematician colleagues in Africa including those in the Diaspora.
                - Host a website to communicate activities of the commission and show case its achievements.

                - Nominate and award certificates for best female mathematics teacher in regions.

                - Celebrate and /or Initiate Southern African Miss Mathematics in South Africa and East Africa.

- Before 2017:

  • the symposium for African Women in Mathematics that was held at the University of Benin in Nigeria in 1990;
  • the 2008 one-day workshop for African Women in Mathematics, in Maputo, Mozambique, supported by African Mathematics Millennium Science Initiative (AMMSI),
  • a two-day workshop supported by CIMPA held Ougadougou, Burkina Faso in 2012
  • CIMPA supported workshop in South Africa in 2013.
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