Ordinary Members
Individual mathematicians who are either African citizens or working in Africa.
Corporate members
Associate ordinary
individual mathematicians who are neither African citizens nor working in Africa.
Associate corporate
Mathematical Associations or Higher Institutions (with Mathematics Departments) or Organisations outside Africa.
General Assembly History
Following the successful conclusion of meetings held by African Mathematicians successively in:
The African Mathematicians, conscious of the important role of Mathematics for sciences and their applications in the development of Africa have, within the framework of the first Pan-African Congress of Mathematicians, held in Rabat (Morocco) on 26 – 30 July 1976, decided on the creation of an association called the African Mathematical Union, in abridged form, AMU.
In accordance with Article 13 of the Statutes of the AMU, this Internal Regulation fixes the details of the organization and the functioning of the AMU.
The internal regulation was adopted by the Executive Committee of the AMU at its meeting in Tunis, on 4–5 November 2006 and will be submitted to the General Assembly for approval.
This Internal Regulation is the first ever adopted since the creation of the AMU. Only the General Assembly has the power to modify it.
Article 1: Members of AMU
1.1. Any person interested in mathematics and its applications can become a member of the AMU if the Executive Committee approves their application. for adhesion. The AMU is composed of:
1. Ordinary members:
African Mathematicians or Mathematicians working in Africa;
National or sub-regional mathematical Associations in Africa;
Higher Educational institutions in Africa, having a Department of Mathematics;
Scientific organizations in Africa, approved by the Executive Committee
2. Associate members:
Mathematicians who are not Africans, and who do not work in Africa;
Mathematical Associations of higher educational institutions having a department of mathematics, and scientific organisations from outside Africa.
Article 2 : Membership conditions
2.1. Any membership application to the AMU must be addressed to the Secretary General.
2.2. To be considered, any membership application to AMU must provide at least the following information: name, first name, home address for physical persons, address of the Head Office for moral persons and as much as possible, a main e-mail address, etc. Each member undertakes to let the AMU know about any changes in the above minimal information.
2.3. To any membership application must be attached if necessary, a copy of the Statutes or their equivalents and a signed declaration stipulating that the adhering member commits him/herself to respect the Statutes and the Internal Regulation of the AMU.
2.4. The Secretary General transmits the membership application to the Executive Committee who certifies the respect of the membership conditions by the applicant.
2.5. The Scientific Organizations in Africa not mentioned in Article 5 b) (i), (ii) of the Statutes and in Article 1 b) of the present Internal Regulation, must at first be approved by the Executive Committee.
Article 3 : Dues
3.1. Once the membership application is approved by the Executive Committee, each member of the AMU is requested to pay an annual membership due as follows:
Category 1. (Ordinary Members):
1. Natural person : 20 € , with a special tariff of 10 € for students.
2. Legal person : 200 €
Category 2. (Associate members):
1. Natural person: 50 € , with a special tariff of 20 € for students Mathematical Associations of higher educational institutions having a department of mathematics, and scientific organisations from outside Africa.
2. Legal person: 300 €
3.2. The dues are directly deposited in the account opened in the name of the AMU in a bank of the country of the residence of the Treasurer.
3.3. All payments are made by banks or postal cheques, by bank transfers, postal or international money orders, labelled in the name of the AMU, with a maximum delay of one month after the acceptance of membership.
3.4. The membership will be considered as null if after the delay period no payment has been made to the Treasurer.
3.5. The dues are paid annually from January 1st to December 31st of the following year and must be renewed during the first three months of each year.
3.6. After receiving a payment from a member, the Treasurer must send to him/her a payment advice and a receipt by e-mail. Nonetheless, a receipt on paper may be delivered at the member’s request.
Article 4 : Advantages attached to membership
4.1. Those members of the AMU who are up to date with their dues can get support to participate in the activities of the AMU.
4.2. All the members of the AMU who are up to date with their dues will receive the issue(s) of the AMU Information Bulletin(s) that appear in the current year free of charge.
4.3. The members who are up to date with their dues will be associated to the activities of the AMU.
Article 5 : Loss of membership
5.1. Resignation
5.1.1. Any member of the AMU may at any time resign from his membership. He/she will be requested to write a simple resignation letter to the President, motivating his/her decision.
5.1.2. In case of resignation of a member of the Executive Committee, the position remains vacant until the end of the on going mandate.
5.1.3. A resigning member will be asked to make restitution of any work program he has been responsible for.
5.1.4. A resigning member keeps the possibility of reinstating his/her membership to the AMU at any time.
5.2. Dues and arrears
Any member of the AMU having arrears of payment of their dues of more than four years will lose their membership as long as he/she has not paid the total amount of these arrears at the moment the loss of membership occurred. The Executive Committee may waive these arrears in exceptional cases.
5.3. Decease
In case of death, the membership automatically comes to an end.
5.4. In any of the following situations: resignation, dismissal or death, the dues paid remains the entire property of the AMU. As a matter of fact, no member or eligible party could ask for the partial or total reimbursement of these dues.
Article 6 : Eligibility
The physical persons who are ordinary members of the AMU are eligible as electors.
In accordance with Article 6 of the Statutes, the main bodies of the AMU are
a. The General Assembly
b. The Executive Committee
Article 7 : The General Assembly
7.1. Composition
The General Assembly is composed of a maximum of three (3) delegates per country. The votes within the General Assembly are done on the basis of one vote for each country.
7.2. Main attributes
The main attributions of the General Assembly are the following:
- Define the general orientation of the activities of the AMU.
-To vote by discharge vote on the activities and financial management of the Executive Committee for the period elapsed since the last congress.
- Elect each member of the Executive Committee
- Give to the treasurer, the authorization to open one (or more) account(s) in the name of the AMU.
- Decide on the dissolution of the AMU and appoint a commission in charge of the liquidation and the devolution of its assets.
- Give its approval for any modification of the Statutes or the Internal Regulation.
- Ask the Executive Committee to call for an extraordinary Congress. Modify the amount of the dues fixed by the present Internal Regulation, either on its own initiative, or on the request of the Executive Committee.
7.3. Meetings
The General Assembly meets in two kinds of sessions:
- An ordinary session every four years on the convocation of the Executive Committee of the AMU, during the two days preceding the Opening Ceremony of the Pan-African Congress of Mathematicians (PACOM), and on the same site as the Congress.
- An extraordinary session on the convocation and the initiative of the Executive Committee, or upon the request of the two-thirds of the African countries according to Article 15 of the Statutes.
7.4. Convocation
7.4.1. The invitations to General Assembly and the preparatory reports are sent to the members by the Executive Committee, through all appropriate communication means no later than one month before the meeting of the General Assembly.
7.4.2. It is mandatory that the invitations contain the following precise elements:
a. The agenda ;
b. The date and the venue where the Assembly will take place.
7.5. Presidency
The President of the Executive committee is the chair of/ the meetings of the General Assembly. In case of his/her absence or unavailability, the Executive Committee appoints a chair for the session among its members present at the session.
7.6. Monitoring of the General Assembly
7.6.1. At the opening of the General Assembly, Each member participant must sign the attendance sheet.
7.6.2. Each point of the agenda will be discussed and each member will have a limited time of speech.
7.7. Voting
The votes within the General Assembly are done on the basis of one vote per country according to Article 8 of the Statutes.
7.8. Validation of the decisions
7.8.1. The decisions of the General Assembly are taken by a simple majority of the members entitled to vote in accordance with article 6.
7.8.2. The General Assembly elects directly the members of the Executive Committee at the first ballot by an absolute majority of the votes, disregarding the blank or null ballots.
If the absolute majority is not obtained at the first ballot, a second ballot is organized and the votes are accepted by a simple majority.
7.8.3. The votes of General Assembly may be done by:
Secret ballot during the election of the members of the Executive Committee
Show of Hands for all other decisions.
Article 8: The Executive Committee
In accordance with Article 10 of the Statutes, the AMU is managed by an Executive Committee elected for four years and composed of twelve (12) members from different countries as follows:
- a President
- five (05) Vice-Presidents
- a Secretary General
- a Treasurer
- four (04) members
8.1. Administration (Management)
a- The President
The President of the Executive Committee is the President of the AMU.
He/she is the coordinator of the activities of the AMU.
He/she represents the AMU before all national and international authorities and organizations.
He/she is the administrator of the budget.
He/she calls for the meetings of the Executive Committee and he/she is the chair of these meetings.
A President may not remain for more than two consecutive mandates of four years each.
b- The Secretary General
The Secretary General is in charge of the daily administrative activities.
He (she) can, upon the request of the President, represent him (or her).
He (she) keeps the archives of the AMU.
c- The Treasurer
He (she) is the trustee of the funds of the AMU.
He (she) is authorized to open one (or more) bank account(s) in the name of the AMU to collect the dues paid by the members, the grants, the various gifts and legacies, the interests and incomes of the Union’s assets.
He (she) prepares a financial report at each meeting of the Executive Committee.
He (she) prepares a financial report which the Executive Committee presents at each General Assembly of the AMU.
He (she) checks the regularity of the accounting operations.
He (she) must keep up to date an account book and show it at any request.
He (she) carries out the operations of receipts and expenditures.
He (she) signs cheques, jointly with the President, in the name of the AMU. Upon the request of the President in case he (she) is unavailable, the Treasurer signs the cheques with one of the Vice-Presidents.
d- The Vice-Presidents
They have in charge the coordination and the organization of mathematical activities in their respective sub-regions, under the authority of the President.
Each Vice-President is authorized to search for financial support for the organization of the above activities. He must report to the Executive Committee.
A report of these activities must be given to the Secretary General at least two months before each meeting of the Executive Committee.
A Vice-President can, on the request of the President, represent him (her).
e- The members
They take an active part in the organization and the success of the activities of the AMU.
They may be requested by the members of the Executive Committee quoted above, for a specific task within the AMU.
8.2 Duties
The Executive Committee controls the budget of the Union during the period separating two Congresses of the union, according to Article 10 c) of the Statutes.
Each year, the Executive Committee must check the accounts of the AMU, in accordance with Article 12 of the statutes.
The Executive Committee presents a financial report at each meeting of the General Assembly. The grants, various gifts and legacies must be accepted by the Executive Committee. In the particular case of gifts, the Committee must make sure of their conformity with the spirit of the activities of the AMU, and of it’s the full independence of the AMU.
The Executive Committee gives its consent for the affiliation of the AMU to any organization having compatible objectives.
The Executive Committee may call for an extraordinary congress either from its own initiative or at the request of the two-thirds of the member countries
The Executive Committee submits to the General Assembly any request of modification of the Statutes or the Internal Regulation.
The executive Committee controls the respect of the conditions for being a member of the AMU.
The applications for membership from the scientific organizations in Africa other than those quoted in the article 1 b) must be approved by the Executive Committee.
In accordance with Article 10 f) of the Statutes, the Executive Committee may, if needed, create ad hoc Commissions.
The Executive Committee submits to the General Assembly any request for modification of the amount of the dues paid by the members, which amount has been fixed by the Internal Regulation.
8.3 Convening
8.3.1 A convening notice containing the agenda, signed by the President or delegated by the President, by the Secretary General, shall be sent by electronic mail or any other means to the members of the EC at least two months before the meeting, in ordinary session. This period is reduced to eleven days, in the case of an extraordinary session
A convening notice containing the agenda and signed by the President or by the Secretary General upon the President’s request, is to be sent by e-mail or by any other communication means, to the members of the Executive Committee at least two months before the meeting in ordinary session. This period is reduced to fifteen days in the case of an extraordinary session.
8.3.2 The various documents necessary for the different discussions are to be attached to the convening notice.
8.4 Meetings
8.4.1 The Executive Committee meets regularly, at least once a year.
8.4.2 The Executive Committee may also have extraordinary meetings, convened at the initiative of the President or at the request of the two-thirds of its members.
The request for a meeting made by the President must be communicated to the members of the executive Committee and must clearly contain the reasons motivating the meeting.
Requests for meetings of the Executive Committee in extraordinary session not emanating from the President are imperatively transmitted to him/her by any means of communication. They expressly contain the reasons for the request.
8.6 Deliberations within the Committee
8.6.1 The decisions of the Executive Committee are taken by a simple majority of the members present.
In case of equality of votes, the President will have the casting vote.
8.6.2 The Executive Committee votes are held by show of hands for all decisions, unless the Committee itself decides on the need for a secret ballot
8.7 Elections of the members of the Executive Committee
8.7.1 Any ordinary member as defined in Article 1 (a), is eligible for election to the Executive Committee for a maximum of two successive terms. Nevertheless, a member who is elected President may serve two terms (in accordance with Article 10 (d) of the Statutes), whether or not he/she is a member of the Executive Committee.
8.7.2 The members of the Executive Committee are elected for four years by the General Assembly.
8.7.3 The members of the Executive Committee are elected by secret ballot directly by an absolute majority of the votes at the first ballot, disregarding the blank and null ballots, and by simple majority at the second ballot.
8.7.4 The candidatures of all the members of the Executive Committee must be submitted to the ordinary GA on the day of its meeting.
Article 9 :
In accordance with Article 11 of the Statutes, the financial resources of the AMU are composed of:
- Membership dues of its members whose amount is fixed by the herein Internal Regulation and which can be modified by the General Assembly, either from the initiative of the General Assembly, or upon the request of the Executive committee
- Grants, various gifts and legacies accepted by the Executive Committee.
- Interests and incomes of the Union’s assets.
Article 10: Dissolution
The AMU can be dissolved only by an extraordinary General Assembly by the majority of the three quarters of the delegates representing at least three quarters of the African countries.
Article 11 : Clearing
In case of dissolution, the General Assembly will appoint a commission in charge of the clearing and the devolution of the AMU’s Assets. This commission can decide to donate the resources of the AMU to an institution with the same objectives.
Article 12:
Any request for modification of the herein Internal Regulation must be approved by the General Assembly by a two-thirds majority of the members.
Tunis, November 8, 2006