African Mathematical Schools (AMS)

The African Mathematical Schools (AMS / EMA) are an African Mathematical Union activities supported by CIMPA (Centre International de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées)
The duration of an AMS is between 2 and 4 weeks. Their main objectives are:
  • To provide Master students or early PhD students with the mathematical foundations and essential tools of selected active areas of mathematics.
  • To contribute to the development of mathematics in all regions of the African continent by promoting the exchange of knowledge between young African mathematicians and the international mathematical community.
  • To break the isolation of African mathematicians by providing a platform for meeting fellow mathematicians from around the world, for exchanging knowledge and for sharing experience.
A call for application is published every year in early summer for the organisation of AMS (EMA) the following year. Proposals are evaluated by an UMA-CIMPA common scientific committee. link to AMS Schools from CIMPA website

    2023 Schools
Dates Theme Venue Coordinator Website
March 20-29, 2023 Mathematical Modeling in Biology North West University (South Africa) Patrick Mimphis Tchepmo Djomegni (
June 19-30, 2023 Mathematics Decision Sciences and Artificial Intelligence in Digital Economy: Contributions of Women in Mathematics INES-Ruhengeri-Institute of Applied Sciences (Rwanda) Charline Uwilingiyimana ( -
July 10-28, 2023 Enumerative Combinatorics Arusha Technical College (Tanzania) Balazs Szendroi ( -
July 17-28, 2023 Mathematical Modeling of Chemical Reaction Networks: Basic Tools, Applications, and Open Challenges University of Nairobi (Kenya) Josephine Wairimu Kagunda (
August 16-30, 2023 Mathematical Modeling: Where ecology and infectious diseases intersect University of Ghana (Ghana) Kenneth Dadedzi ( -
August 21 - September 2, 2023 Modélisation et contrôle du monde vivant Université Thomas Sankara (Burkina Faso) Coordinators: Oumar Traore (; and Marie Françoise Ouedraogo (
October 23- November 3, 2023 Geometry, Analysis and Applications (G2A) Université Alioune Diop de Bambey (Senegal) Abdoul Salam Diallo ( and Mouhamadou Ngom ( -
2019 Schools
Dates Theme Venue Coordinator Website
July 1-13, 2019 Modélisation mathématique et innovations technologiques Université de Lomé, Togo Moussa Zakari DJIBIBE ( -
July 1-19, 2019 Bases mathématiques de l’intelligence artificielle Université de Yaoundé I - CETIC, Cameroon Emmanuel Viennet (
July 15 - August 2, 2019 Algebraic Topology and its Applications Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda Balazs Szendroi ( -
August 19 - September 1st, 2019 Équations aux Dérivées Partielles : Analyse théorique, Modélisation et Mise en oeuvre numérique. Institut National Polytechnique HB (INPHB) Yamoussoukro, Ivory Coast Jerome Kablan ADOU ( -
December 2-20, 2019 Mathématiques pour les réseaux Institut Supérieur de Technologie d’Antsiranana, Madagascar Lova ZAKARIASY ( -
December 10-24, 2019 Mathématiques au service des sciences de la gestion : Finance, risk management, logistique et systèmes décisionnels Ecole Nationale de Commerce et de Gestion & Ecole Supérieure de Technologie- Université Ibn Zohr- Agadir, Morocco Saoud Sahar ( -
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