To achieve these objectives, AMU-CAWM performs the following actions:
- Asking AMU-CAWM's previous commissioners for a report on challenges and achievements during their tenure
- Prepare and update regularly a directory of Women in Mathematics all over Africa.
- Constitute a mailing list to reach all female mathematician colleagues in Africa including those in the Diaspora.
- Advocate for women in mathematics within the media
- Host a website to communicate activities of the commission and show case its achievements.
- Generate activities and programs meant to encourage girls to study and consider careers in the Mathematical sciences.
- Disseminate information on scholarships for girls and grants for post doctorates females.
- Disseminate and sensitize the scientific field and general audiences on mathematics (via media)
- Find and create work opportunities for female mathematicians
- Collaborate with the Commission on Pan African Mathematics Olympiads (AMU-PAMO) in order to organize mathematics competitions and ensure
that girls are represented. Events such as "Miss Mathematics" could be considered.
- Increase young and teenage African girls’ interest in Mathematics through:
- Activities for young and teenage girls in school and after school (inter-school’s competitions, regional workshops and mathematics camps).
- Workshops for primary and secondary teachers to equip and empower them with skills to offer a gender-sensitive pedagogy.
- Seminar series for top women mathematicians to inspire girls and women in African high schools and universities.
- Conduct research to identify support and barriers that steer young women towards or away from mathematics during their education.
- Reach out to young girls in rural communities and motivate them to engage in mathematical studies in their higher education.
- Create and introduce mathematics games meant just for girls and organise regional workshops for training them, followed by regional, national and continental competitions for girls only at different levels and grades